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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Phill Wade ... Surprising New Talent?

After a couple viral videos, about well-known celebrities, Phill Wade's popularity on YouTube is steadily growing. Known best for his Trey Songz "Yo Side/My Side/Southside of the Bed Remix" and, the one and only, Rick Ross "BMF (Flex on the Devil) Gospel Remix", Phill also posesses a serious side. The jam sessions he has with his friends happen to be some of my favorites. Phill recently did a ride along interview and announced his plans to release a fourth quarter album late this year. There's no mention of title, but the date is expected to be December 7th and I will certainly be purchasing it. His voice is raw, yet you can feel every word he's saying, as if he'd practiced for years.

Check It Out -- Session 8: "Change Begins in Me"

Check It Out -- Session 9: "Food Sex"

See more of these videos on SpB2Studios YouTube Channel or on Phill Wade's website.

Kanye West on SNL

The man has done it again (can you tell I'm a huge fan). He proceeded to diss SNL for making fun of him, then made everyone fall in love with his music again. Now he's performing on the very show he told to: "Kiss his whole ass. More specifically, they could kiss his asshole." Well it looks like the bad blood is gone and 'Ye has dyed his suit and sneaks with it. He stopped by to perform the summer smash "Power" and newest single, "Runaway".

Check It Out -- "Power"

Notice how he cleverly took out the SNL diss.

Check It Out -- "Runaway" feat. Pusha T

Kanye West Album Leaks

He's still teasing us about when the album will be released and even about the title. So one blogger decided to get back at him by posting a couple of his leaks. Understatement of the century: Kanye West was pissed. He even threatened to cancel G.O.O.D. Fridays this week, one of his best ideas to date. However, he still chose to release the free track of the week (Thank God!!). I made a personal choice that if he didn't release a G.F. track, that I wouldn't post the leaks and everyone would just be music-less. But Yeezy took it all in stride, and while the tracks aren't officially mastered, they are a good starting point to guess where the album is going. A lot more conscious rap and I for one, love it.

Check It Out -- "All of the Lights" (feat. Drake & Tony Williams)

Download All of the Lights (feat. Drake)

Check It Out -- "Lost in the World" (feat. Bon Iver)-- It's a little slowed down but you get the basic point.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Missing a Good Weekend by Sleeping on G.O.O.D. Friday?

So, if you've been living under a rock lately -- or just choose to ignore hot topics -- you might not know that Mr. West himself has chosen to post a free new song download every Friday leading up to Christmas. G.O.O.D. Fridays the name, out of respect for his G.O.O.D. Music label and the day of the week, ironically a religious reference for the man behind Jesus Walks.

I waited to post about this because knowing how behavior can change when the wind blows, I wasn't sure if this would last. However, Yeezy has consistently delivered a song each week for about a month now. Yet, his concept of time isn't the greatest. He has a tendency to post the songs at like 2AM Saturday morning (which technically makes it G.O.O.D. Saturday morning, but I digress).

I've been extremely pleased overall with the music, making it hard to recommend a personal favorite. The one track I was less than excited about happened to be Lord, Lord, Lord. The beat became too repetitive and overworked in the end. Although I respect the Power of the Wu, Raekwon the Chef could have been left out and cut about 3 unnecessary minutes off the track. Swizzy has proven himself an amazing producer (see Power Remix and So Appalled), but still I could NOT care less about his attempts at rapping.

Anyhow, those are just my opinions, and I'm sure you have plenty of your own. Enjoy the free music! "
G.O.O.D. Fridays I hope you have a nice weekend!"

Friday, October 1, 2010

Guilty Pleasure

I gotta admit that one thing I love to see is when white people rap. I'm not trying to say that they can't do it. They just have an interesting approach, BUT when it turns out good, it turns out great. Jimmy Fallon and JT definitely did work!

My Apologies

Sorry I've been neglecting the blog, school's gotta come first. I've been working a lot and with college each year comes more homework, but I'm back with a vengeance today! Let the blogging begin in like 3...2...1!